Todd Schlenke

Associate Professor

Education and Positions

Associate Professor, Entomology, University of Arizona, 2016-present
Visiting Associate Professor, Biology, Reed College, 2013-2016
Assistant Professor, Biology, Emory University, 2006-2013
Postdoc, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Cornell University, 2002-2005
Postdoc, Population Biology, UC Davis, 2001-2002
PhD, Zoology, UT Austin, 1996-2001
BS, Integrative Biology, UC Berkeley, 1991-1995


My research interests are rooted in evolutionary biology but span multiple disciplines in biology. At the heart of my research program is the use of fruit flies in the genus Drosophila to understand the evolutionary genetics of host-parasite interactions. For example, we have developed several species of endoparasitoid wasps, which are readily observed infecting Drosophila in nature and can be very specialized to particular host species, as model parasites. These wasps lay single eggs in Drosophila larvae and, once hatched, consume flies from the inside out. Flies mount cellular and behavioral defense responses against wasps, but wasps have adaptations for finding host fly larvae, suppressing host cellular immunity, and manipulating host behavior. I use a variety of "omics" tools to understand the molecular genetics of fly cellular immunity and wasp virulence, as well as patterns of host immunity and pathogen virulence coevolution across fly and wasp phylogenies. I am also making inroads into the evolution, genetics, and neurobiology of behaviors that flies use to avoid being infected by the wasps and to cure themselves once they are infected, including various self-medication behaviors.

Selected Publications

Fruit flies diversify their offspring in response to parasite infection
Singh ND, Criscoe DR, Skolfield S, Kohl KP, Keebaugh ES, Schlenke TA
Science 349, 747-750 (2015)

A role for nematocytes in the cellular immune response of the Drosophilid Zaprionus indianus
Kacsoh BZ, Bozler J, Schlenke TA
Parasitology 141, 697-715 (2014)

Insights from natural host-parasite interactions: The Drosophila model
Keebaugh ES, Schlenke TA
Developmental and Comparative Immunology 42, 111-123 (2013)

Parasitoid wasp venom SERCA regulates Drosophila calcium levels and inhibits cellular immunity
Mortimer NT, Goecks J, Kacsoh BZ, Mobley JA, Bowersock GJ, Taylor J, Schlenke TA
PNAS 110, 9427-9432 (2013)

Integrative approach reveals composition of endoparasitoid wasp venoms
Goecks J, Mortimer NT, Mobley JA, Bowersock GJ, Taylor J, Schlenke TA
PLoS One 8, e64125 (2013)

Fruit flies medicate offspring after seeing parasites
Kacsoh BZ, Lynch ZR, Mortimer NT, Schlenke TA
Science, 339, 947-950 (2013)

Mgat1-dependent N-glycosylation of membrane components primes Drosophila melanogaster blood cells for the cellular encapsulation response
Mortimer NT, Kacsoh BZ, Keebaugh ES, Schlenke TA
PLoS Pathogens, 8, e1002819 (2012)

High hemocyte load is associated with increased resistance against parasitoids in Drosophila suzukii, a relative of D. melanogaster
Kacsoh BZ, Schlenke TA
PLoS One 7, e34721 (2012)

Alcohol consumption as self-medication against blood-borne parasites in the fruit fly
Milan N, Kacsoh BZ, Schlenke TA
Current Biology 22, 488-493 (2012)

Defence strategies against a parasitoid wasp in Drosophila: fight or flight?
Lefevre T, de Roode JC, Kacsoh BZ, Schlenke TA
Biology Letters 8, 230-233 (2012)

Adaptive evolution of a novel Drosophila lectin induced by parasitic wasp attack
Keebaugh ES, Schlenke TA
Molecular Biology and Evolution, 29, 565-577 (2012)

Contrasting infection strategies in generalist and specialist wasp parasitoids of Drosophila melanogaster
Schlenke TA, Morales J, Govind S, Clark AG
PLoS Pathogens 3, 1-16 (2007)

Linkage disequilibrium and recent selection in three potential pattern recognition receptor loci in Drosophila simulans
Schlenke TA, Begun DJ
Genetics 169, 2013-2022 (2005)

Strong selective sweep associated with a transposon insertion in Drosophila simulans
Schlenke TA, Begun DJ
PNAS 101, 1626-1631 (2004)

Natural selection drives Drosophila immune system evolution
Schlenke TA, Begun DJ
Genetics 164, 1471-1490 (2003)