Paul B. Baker
Specialist Emeritus (Extension)
Judith L. Bronstein
University Distinguished Professor
Joint Professor (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)
Judith K. Brown
Joint Professor (Plant Sciences)
Wilfrid Calvin
Assistant Extension Specialist, IPM for Specialty Crops
Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology
Gloria Degrandi-Hoffman
ARS Scientist, Research Leader and Location Coordinator USDA Carl Hayden Bee Res. Center
Adjunct Scientist
Advisory board member
Anna Dornhaus
Joint Professor (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology)
Peter C. Ellsworth
Specialist (Exension) and Professor
Dawn H. Gouge
Specialist (Exension) and Professor (Public Health Entomologist)
John Hildebrand
Joint Regents' Professor (Neuroscience)
Martha (Molly) S. Hunter
Chair, GIDP in Entomology and Insect Science
Michael E. Irwin
Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Entomology, University of Illinois
Adjunct Scientist, Dept. of Entomology, University of Arizona
Advisory board member
Shujuan “Lucy” Li
Associate In Extension, Public Health Integrated Pest Management
Wendy Moore
Professor, Insect Systematics
Curator, University of Arizona Insect Collection
Steven Naranjo
Center Director of the USDA Arid-Land Agricultural Research Center
Adjunct Scientist, Dept. of Entomology, University of Arizona
Advisory board member
John C. Palumbo
Professor/Extension Specialist
Daniel R. Papaj
Joint Professor (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology)
Todd Schlenke
Associate Professor
Nicholas J. Strausfeld
Joint Regents’ Professor (Neuroscience)
Bruce E. Tabashnik
Regents' Professor & Department Head